Assignemnt #48 and BMI Categories


    ///Name: Daniel Tiffany-Appleton
    ///Period: 7
    ///Program Name: BMI Categories 
    ///File Name: BMICategories
    ///Date Finished: 10/27/15
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class BMICategories
        public static void main( String[] args )
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            double m, kg, bmi, inches, inchesTogether, pounds, feet, feetInInches;
            System.out.print( "Your height (feet only): " );
            feet = keyboard.nextDouble();
            feetInInches = feet*12;
            System.out.print( "Your height (inches): " );
            inches = keyboard.nextDouble();
            inchesTogether = inches + feetInInches;
            m = inchesTogether*0.0254;
            System.out.print( "Your weight in pounds: " );
            pounds = keyboard.nextDouble();
            kg = pounds*0.453592;
            bmi = kg / (m*m);
            System.out.println( "Your BMI is " + bmi );
            if ( bmi < 15.0 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: very severely underweight" );
            if ( 15.0 <= bmi && bmi <= 16.0 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: severely underweight" );
            if ( 16.1 <= bmi && bmi <= 18.4 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: underweight" );
            if ( 18.5 <= bmi && bmi <= 24.9 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: normal weight" );
            if ( 25.0 <= bmi && bmi <= 29.9 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: overweight" );
            if ( 30.0 <= bmi && bmi <= 34.9 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: moderately obese" );
            if ( 35.0 <= bmi && bmi <= 39.9 )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: severely obese" );
            if ( 40.0 <= bmi )
                System.out.println( "BMI Category: very severely obese" );


Picture of the output

Assignment 48