Assignemnt #130 and Making Arrays


    ///Name: Daniel Tiffany-Appleton
    ///Period: 7
    ///Program Name: Making Arrays
    ///File Name: MakingArrays
    ///Date Finished: 4/12/16
    public class MakingArrays {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Here we created an integer array with 5 elements
            //int[] intArray = {4, 12, 15, 23, 100000};
            //Here we created an integer array with 5 empty spots that can be filled with any integers
            //int[] anotherIntArray = new int[5];
            //Here is one way to initialize each of those empty spots
            //anotherIntArray[0] = -11;
            //anotherIntArray[1] = 0;
            //anotherIntArray[2] = 211;
            //anotherIntArray[3] = 17;
            //anotherIntArray[4] = -1990;
            //Here we created a String array with 3 elements
            //String[] stringArray = {"Hello", ",", "world!"};
            //Here we created a String array with 3 empty spots
            //String[] anotherStringArray = new String[3];
            //You can initialize each empty spot the same as before, only with strings here
            //anotherStringArray[0] = "Mr.";
            //anotherStringArray[1] = "Joshua";
            //anotherStringArray[2] = "Davis";
            //Using arrays in output is pretty much what you would expect
            //System.out.println(intArray[0] + " + " + intArray[4] + " = " + (intArray[0] + intArray[4]));
            //Sometimes things can be a bit weird
            //Here the intArray[0] + intArray[4] are treated as strings
            //System.out.println(intArray[0] + " + " + intArray[4] + " = " + intArray[0] + intArray[4]);
            //Output with String arrays
            //System.out.println(stringArray[0] + stringArray[1] + " " + stringArray[2]);
            int[] intArray = {6, 42, 9};
            System.out.println("Let's count " + intArray[0] + ", " + intArray[1] + ", " + intArray[2] + ". That's not right.");
            String[] stringArray = new String[3];
            stringArray[0] = "I";
            stringArray[1] = "want";
            stringArray[2] = "cake.";
            System.out.println("Want do you want? " + stringArray[0] + " " + stringArray[1] + " " + stringArray[2]);


Picture of the output

Assignment 130